About Us

Connect for Good is your home base for volunteering. Whether you’re new in town or newly retired, empty nesters or parents hoping to introduce young children to community service, we can plug you in to the causes you care about.

For nearly 20 years we’ve built the groundwork for what we are undertaking: the largest and most successful network of community connections the world has ever seen. We partner with local organizations who know the issues that most need to be addressed in the community. And we vet every nonprofit partner and volunteer opportunity we post, to ensure that your time with them will be well spent and well appreciated.
We invite you to check out the thousands of volunteer opportunities available in Greater Boston. Dive deep into a specific cause or dabble until you find the perfect fit. Then sign on using our intuitive interface. Invite your friends, bring your kids, enlist your colleagues. Whether you have an hour, a day, a month or a lifetime, we’re glad you’re here.
Any nonprofit not currently listed on Connect for Good can do so by going to form.weconnectforgood.org and entering its EIN. The form contains various fields for information and images that are needed to tell the organization’s story and list volunteer opportunities. Once complete, the information is reviewed and uploaded to the website. Contact us if you have any questions

At United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, we identify the most pressing issues in our community and we bring together the people we think can solve them. We fund agencies that, working together, can address the nuances of complex problems like homelessness or the academic achievement gap. We create programs and initiatives to fill unmet needs. We deploy volunteers and socially responsible companies as the engines of change and the feet on the street, delivering hope to people in need. We raise funding through generous donors who understand that social change can’t happen without it.

Encore Boston Network engages the talent of people over 50 for social good. We’re a community of individuals, nonprofits, businesses, policy makers, advocates and researchers. Together, we make it possible for people with experience, wisdom and compassion to do good, feel good and add value.

Empower Success Corps (ESC) helps nonprofits create sustainable change through services customized to meet their unique needs. Our sister nonprofits benefit from expert consulting, the talent to complete high-impact projects and professional leadership development. ESC also helps people discover ways to make a difference in the second half of life.

Inspiring Service provides innovative solutions to inspire and empower people and organizations to strengthen and improve their community and themselves.