From Mentors to Teachers: Andrea and Yessenia

This fall marks the beginning of two extremely promising teaching careers. Andrea Magaña and Yessenia Lopez, both graduates of Lehman College and Let’s Get Ready alumni, have each started their...

Confidence Days Grant

The Women's Foundation of Boston presented Dress for Success Boston with a 3 year, $30,000 grant that will fund 10 “Confidence Days” for young women per year, in and around...

Boston Scores & COVID-19

Boston Scores provides urban youth with team-based education programs that promote their health & well-being, academic engagement, and civic leadership. Our innovative blend of soccer, academic enrichment, and civic engagement...

Buy a mask, support Habitat for Cats

Get some cool new masks and support Habitat for Cats! Beautiful Things, an awesome shop in Westport, is generously donating proceeds of the sale of our masks to HFC. The...


World of Wellesley is committed to fostering an anti-racist and anti-bias community where diversity, equity and inclusion are fully embraced. Since the Select Board serves as Wellesley’s executive body we...

Staff Working Remotely

HomeStart Staff Are Working Remotely While Our Office Is Closed to the Public

Due to the current public health emergency and in efforts to prevent and limit exposure, HomeStart's office...

What could the Harborwalk of the Future Look Like?

When you visit the waterfront in Boston, you’ll likely find blue signs letting you know that you’re on the  Harborwalk  as well as public amenities from public restrooms to binoculars...

Jumpstart supports Common Start Coalition for Affordable Education

As a proud coalition member, Jumpstart supports Common Start Coalition in filing legislation that would establish a universal system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for all Massachusetts...

COVID-19 Information & Updates from CEO Naila Bolus

Status Update: All Jumpstart programming is currently on hiatus through the spring semester due to the COVID-19 outbreak and all Jumpstart offices are currently closed. For more information about Jumpstart...

Covid-19 Response Plan

We at Beverly Bootstraps are committed to adhering to all local, state, and federal guidelines established to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  Below is an overview of the measures...

Expanded Online Resources

During this time of education disruption due to COVID-19, we are expanding our online resources:  ...

Volunteering during Covid

ATTENTION - New Volunteer Orientations have been suspended until further notice due to COVID-19. If you have questions please email  [email protected] .  ...