Covid-19 Response Plan
We at Beverly Bootstraps are committed to adhering to all local, state, and federal guidelines established to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Below is an overview of the measures we are taking to provide a safe environment for all who visit our building; whether that be clients, staff, volunteers, vendors, donors, or shoppers.
If you are looking for ways to support our Help Feed Beverly Campaign click here.
Providing a Safe Environment
Should you, at any time, have any questions about how we are responding to this crisis, please contact anyone on our Leadership Team.
- Face masks/coverings are required for anyone visiting or working in the building.
- Social distancing of six feet or more is required in all areas of the building.
- Hand sanitizing dispensers have been set up throughout the building.
- Gloves are being required of everyone when packing food bags and working with thrift donations. Additionally, staff has been trained on practicing correct glove procedures: new gloves for new tasks and proper removal techniques.
- Timers are being used to remind staff to wash their hands frequently.
- We are limiting the number of people in the building at one time.
- Our staff and volunteers are scheduled as teams and work separately from other teams to avoid the possible spread of Coronavirus.
- Our restrooms are closed to the public.
- Extensive rules apply to shoppers and donors in our Thrift Shop.
Cleaning Protocols
- Shared surfaces and equipment are cleaned and disinfected before and after use (including counters, keyboards, and cash registers)
- After each shift, common areas are cleaned and disinfected (including break rooms, restrooms, and lobbies, as well as high-touch areas, such as iPads and doorknobs).
- Additionally, we have a contract with a local commercial cleaning company that not only provides deep cleaning of the building but also specializes in an Enviro Shield disinfecting system, a highly effective, yet safe disinfecting cleaner delivered through a mechanized air-assisted sprayer that kills a broad range of bacteria, virus, and fungi.
Beverly Bootstraps COVID-19 Confirmed Case Protocol
- Isolate/Quarantine Confirmed Employee(s)
The infected employee should remain at home until released by a physician or public health official. - Address and Isolate Employee(s) Working Near an Infected Co-Worker
Anyone who has worked within close proximity* of a confirmed COVID-19 positive employee will be notified and asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.
*Close proximity is being closer than six feet for more than 10 minutes. - Clean and Disinfect Workplace
After a confirmed COVID-19 case, a professional cleaning company will clean the area(s) in which the employee worked before regular operations are resumed in that space. - Notify Employees
Following a confirmed COVID-19 case, and as recommended by the CDC, Beverly Bootstraps will notify employees of the situation without revealing any confidential medical information. - Notify the Board of Directors, Volunteers, and the Public
Beverly Bootstraps will notify the public if we have a confirmed COVID-19 case along with the steps taken in response.
How we are responding to those in need during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Now more than ever, many in our community may find themselves in a position of needing access to basic needs such as food, utility assistance, and shelter. We are committed to responding to those needs and changing programs to reflect what is needed most during this crisis. For the safety of everyone involved, we have had to postpone some programs, make changes to others, or in a few cases decide not to continue with some programs at this time. Our website is always up to date and we encourage you to look through each section for specific updates.