Staff Working Remotely
HomeStart Staff Are Working Remotely While Our Office Is Closed to the Public
Due to the current public health emergency and in efforts to prevent and limit exposure, HomeStart’s office is CLOSED until it is safe for clients and staff to reopen.
We will announce the office’s re-opening based on city and state guidelines regarding COVID-19.
HomeStart’s physical office is closed but our vital work continues. HomeStart staff are working remotely and responding to voicemail and email messages, so if you are a current HomeStart client, please contact your advocate by phone or email.
For our Eviction Prevention Hotline, please call 857-415-2900.
Massachusetts recently passed a law “freezing” evictions through October 15th or 45 days after this state of emergency ends, whichever is sooner. During this time we will be answering calls and performing eligibility assessments for when they resume. We created a brief fact sheet about what this law means for renters, or you can read the full bill here.
If you’re unable to pay your rent due to a COVID-19-related loss of income, it’s important you fill out and deliver this notice to your landlord within 30 days of when rent was due.
For general inquiries or updates, please leave us a voicemail at 617-542-0338 or email us at [email protected].