Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay

75 Federal St #8th+fl, Boston, MA 02110
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Our mission

The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay is to partner with under-resourced families to provide their children with transformational, one-to-one professionally-supported relationships with caring adult mentors, so that their children will thrive.


Be a Big

All children should have a chance to thrive. Some kids need someone to help them along that path. Turns out doing something important can be incredibly simple. With children across Massachusetts Bay waiting for a Big, there has never been a better time to volunteer as a mentor. It’ll be fun and rewarding. And our professionally trained staff will be there to support you every step of the way.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

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How you help

Mentoring tells a young person that there is someone in their corner. It lets them know they matter. We’re always looking for people eager to positively impact a child and improve their community at the same time.

About us

We’re dedicated to helping children thrive. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay is an innovative, energetic organization that is making a real difference in the lives of 3,000 youth by providing them with an invested, caring adult mentor. With research and proven outcomes at its core, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay is working to ensure every child has the support from caring adults that they need for healthy development and success in life.