Cape CARES, Central American Relief Efforts

Our missionCape Cares is a non-profit humanitarian organization. We maintain no religious or political affiliation. We endeavor to improve the lives of the rural poor in Honduras through the delivery of team-centered primary care, medical and dental treatment, preventive care, health education, and training for the local communities. We provide services with compassion, professionalism, and respect for the culture and society of the Honduran people.

Cape CARES, Central American Relief Efforts

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How you helpJoin Cape CARES and become part of a team of some of the most dedicated volunteers! Volunteer in Honduras. It is an experience of a lifetime!
About usCape CARES, a dedicated volunteer organization founded on the Cape in 1988, provides free medical and dental services to the people of Honduras. In its 28 years, Cape CARES' volunteers have served over 142,000 people --- men, women, and children who would otherwise have access to very limited, if any, care.
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