185 Columbia Rd, Boston, Ma 02121, Usa
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Our missionEducates and empowers individuals and communities to expose systemic barriers and act together to advance economic and racial equality for underserved families.

City Mission Boston

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How you helpWe look to engage the broader community of churches through a number of service and learning opportunities. City Mission creates and nurtures connections across disparate groups to broaden understanding and create meaningful, respectful, and mutually beneficial relationships.
About usCity Mission Boston educates and empowers individuals and communities to expose systemic barriers and act together to advance economic and racial equality for under-served families. Today the organization touches the lives of over 35,000 Boston area residents each year. We combat homelessness and poverty through a multi-level approach to service delivery. We provide direct services that are designed to empower participants, service-learning, and urban immersion experiences that are designed to teach and inspire, and public education campaigns that use storytelling as a healing tool for social change.
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