Strafford Nutrition Meals on Wheels (SNMOW)

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Strafford Nutrition Meals on Wheels (SNMOW)

25 Bartlett Ave Suite+a, Somersworth, Nh 03878
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

To promote the well-being of the elderly and disabled adults of Strafford County by providing services to foster independence in their own home and to prevent or delay the need for institutional care.



Task include: helping serve meals , clean up, sanitizing equipment & surfaces, packaging meals, plus decorating the locations, working on holiday favors, helping with reservations, and more. Volunteerism can be done daily, once a week, only on specials.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays
Items we need

Clientele's Need

Besides favors for specials, we are always looking for donations of new items that are popular and useful. to our participants.

• Tissue boxes

• Paper towels

• Bottled water

• Large print puzzle

• Coffee or Teas

• Stationery

• Postage Stamps

• Blankets

• Warm Socks

• Hats, Mittens, and/or gloves

• Flashlight w/batteries

As there are strict nutritional guidelines we must follow, not to mention all the federal/state food safety guidelines we have some strict limitations on food donations we can accept.  If you have a question regarding a food donation that you think would be appropriate for us, please call or email us.

  • In-Kind Donations
  • Item Collection
Learn More

No matches for criteria.

How you help

Through the provision of hot nutritious meals in home or community settings, daily safety checks, nutrition education, and nutritional assessments volunteers at SNMOW promote physical and emotional health, protect their quality of life, and aide in the social and economic needs of the elderly and disabled.

About us

SNMOW serves meals to homebound seniors who are recovering from surgery and other temporary conditions, or those who require meals on a continuous basis. Our drivers deliver a delicious and nutritious meal, a free paper, and important information regarding senior issues, but most of all they check on the well being of our clients. Meals are delivered to homebound clients and served at our dining room locations on a regular basis all year long.