Launched in 2020, EDEN successfully navigated through the pandemic and is now looking to expand its outreach to serve a greater number of families. EDEN is led by its founder and president, Jehu Leconte, a person of color, and a former shelter director, Jehu has seen first hand the struggles that single mothers face while waiting for housing. EDEN is built on the belief that true impact on families living in shelters goes beyond housing; it is achieved by addressing root causes of homelessness and equipping families with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to solve their homelessness permanently. Through Its Intervention and Stabilization Program, EDEN serves underrepresented, underserved, and marginalized individuals, the majority of whom are single mothers who identify as BIPOC. These women have experienced unstable housing situations and face multigenerational poverty. In addition, many have suffered abuse and sexual violence. Through a 180-day, results-driven, four-phase personalized solution, EDEN’s Program addresses the causes of homelessness and works toward establishing a solid foundation for independent living.