Commonwealth Land Trust (CLT)

1059 Tremont St Suite 2, Boston, Ma 02120, Usa
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Our missionEstablished in 1985, Commonwealth Land Trust (CLT) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is dedicated to preserving neighborhoods and preventing homelessness. Linking housing and care, CLT works to rebuild lives and communities.

Commonwealth Land Trust (CLT)

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Ways to help


Our volunteers and interns assist us in many different areas, including: case management, administration, supportive housing management, finance, social services, fine arts and music, health and recreation, technology and maintenance.
  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpCLT’s diverse network of volunteers and supporters take an active role in ending homelessness. As a CLT volunteer you will make a difference in the lives of formerly homeless individuals and families, help preserve affordable housing, complete a diverse array of projects, and connect with others passionate to end homelessness.
About usCommonwealth Land Trust has been providing affordable housing and case management services in the Greater Boston area since 1985. Originally founded as a development agency, CLT’s initial focus was on preserving affordable housing during the booming real estate market of the 1980s. CLT addressed the need to house and support those trapped in homelessness by transitioning to complete self-management and establishing the case management branch of our agency. Today, CLT owns and manages twenty properties, providing housing and supportive services to over 650 of Massachusetts’ most vulnerable residents.
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