130 Washington St, Newton, MA 02458
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

To enable a better future for orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia through access to education and related care.


Communications Volunteers are needed

We welcome people who like to write or are good with graphics for our newsletters and promotional mailings. If you have experience writing news stories or promotional materials, you can help us get our message to readers. Let us know if you want to help and none of these descriptions don’t fit your skills. Let’s talk.

  • Occasional, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual, Indoor
  • None, Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Help at Events

We welcome teens and adults who would like to help us present inspiring stories about Zambia children at fairs, school groups, neighborhood meetings, rotary clubs, our fund-raising concerts, senior groups and other speaking opportunities. We need logistical help, technical assistance and people to speak to groups of all sizes. Each of these events are vary from daytime and evenings or weekends and weekdays. Even if you are only available for a single event we would love to have your help.

  • Occasional
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

We are an all-volunteer organization. We have a board of directors in the U.S. and another in Zambia.We host volunteer service trips to Zambia in the summer for teens and adults. Our volunteers make significant and lasting contributions to our partner schools and communities. They work with other travelers on projects to support schools in Zambia on a life-changing, cultural immersion experience.Our volunteers in the U.S. advise and develop creative programs to sustain our programs on the ground in Africa. We work with our professional volunteers in both countries for ideas to bring about excellence in the schools our donors support.We are gradually building our U.S. board by adding educators and leaders who are inspired by our model of fulfilling the objectives of Zambia schools to open opportunities to children who leave poverty through education and prepare for a successful life.

About us

Collaborating with community organizations and individuals, we build enduring personal relationships that foster mutual understanding and inspire a shared sense of responsibility as world citizens.