Neighbors Who Care proudly celebrates the lives of our elders in the greater Waltham communities. Our vision is to alleviate the loneliness/isolation of those who may find themselves without much-needed support having outlived family, friends or neighbors. NWC is going into its 16th year of successfully pairing a volunteer with an elder to become lasting friends. We carefully match a volunteer with a client to engage in such fun activities as going to a movie, a walk, afternoon tea, visiting a festival in the North End, shopping for a good bargain or even, perhaps, playing scrabble. Sometimes, they accompany their client to the doctor’s office, often serving as that “extra set of ears.” Neighbors Who Care volunteers are compassionate visitors who gain new, grateful friends. There are also opportunities for our clients and volunteers to come together at NWC’s sponsored ice cream socials, teas, holiday parties, and more. We provide our services at no charge to our clients as most of our clients “fall through the cracks of the system” and cannot afford much-needed services.