Neighbors in Need

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Neighbors in Need

60 Island St 251 E, Lawrence, MA 01840
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Our mission

To fulfill the needs of our clients with respect and dignity by providing all food, formula, diapers, and infant supplies are provided free of charge to those who request them.


Food and diaper delivery volunteers

Delivery shifts are available Monday through Friday. Volunteers make no contact deliveries to clients in need of food or diapers. This is especially important for our client families who have tested Covid + or are in quarantine or are at high risk. Delivery volunteers are given 5-7 deliveries for the Greater Lawrence area. Each group of deliveries takes approximately 2 hours and entails picking up food or diaper bags from NIN, calling or texting clients, and delivery.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • None
  • Weekdays

Diaper Pantry volunteers

Morning shifts are available Tuesdays from 10am-12pm in our diaper pantry to answer phones, assist new clients, fill orders for diaper delivery clients, bring diaper delivery bundles to arriving delivery volunteers, process new supplies and stock diaper shelves. Our diaper pantry is located next door to the new NIN Food Warehouse.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays

Warehouse Food Pantry bag packers

Morning and afternoon shifts available Monday through Friday. 2-3 volunteers work at a time, wearing masks and gloves. Youth and family shifts are also available. Volunteers pack bags at our Warehouse space.

  • One-time, Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • Teens, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Indoor
  • None
  • Weekdays
How you help

Volunteers sustain our organization and perform nearly 40% of our work by helping with daily operations in our pantries, assisting with food drives, providing office support, staffing our Diaper Pantry, fundraising, and more.

About us

For over 35 years Neighbors In Need has fed the poor & hungry in Lawrence without question or means testing. Since its founding in 1983, Neighbors In Need has been a community organization relying heavily on area schools, churches and organizations for support. Neighbors in Need is concerned about the consequences of poverty and poor nutrition on the families that we serve. Access to good, healthy, affordable food is a serious public health issue in Lawrence–the incidence of obesity, diabetes, and premature cardiovascular disease are twice the state average. These significant health disparities are rooted in long-standing economic conditions in the area. We address these challenges every day by providing healthy food to over 1,000 families a week at our Food Pantries strategically located in the neighborhoods of Lawrence, Methuen and Andover. Last year Neighbors in Need distributed 250,000 pounds of fresh produce to hungry families at our 13 Food Pantries in Greater Lawrence.