Katie Brown Educational Program

209 Bedford St, Fall River, Ma 02720, Usa
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Our missionThe Katie Brown Educational Program promotes respectful relationships by teaching relationship violence prevention.

Katie Brown Educational Program

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How you helpKBEP’s goal is to eliminate relationship violence through innovative educational initiatives. With your help, we hope to reach a new milestone in 2021 – 100,000 individuals taught!
About usThe Katie Brown Educational Program (KBEP) offers a range of educational programs throughout the year. KBEP takes the approach that all young people need age-appropriate relationship violence prevention education to be able to build and maintain successful relationships from childhood into adulthood. We also recognize that education is a critical aspect for adults, whether they are seeking professional development opportunities or informational workshops. All educational programs include lecture, discussion, group and individual activities, handouts, moments of self-reflection, and additional resources.
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