The Westford Historical Society & Museum

Our mission | The mission of the Westford Historical Society is to promote the understanding and appreciation of Westford’s unique history to the community. |
Opportunities |
How you help | Westford Historical Society volunteers help to engage the public and fosters its connection with Westford’s unique and captivating history. |
About us | Founded “to study Westford history” and “to stimulate the collection and preservation” of related manuscripts and artifacts and “to encourage research and disseminate historical information,” the Westford Historical Society first met on November 20, 1958, under the inspiration and leadership of Allister MacDougall. The Westford Historical Society and Museum is now located in the original 1794 Westford Academy building in the center of town. In addition to the building, the museum houses a collection of artifacts from Westford’s past and current history, including the Westford Women Dolls, objects from the Sargent and Abbot Mills, and a plaster cast of the Westford Knight. |