Our mission | To Champion the history, arts and culture of the Portsmouth Region through acquisitions, preservation, museum exhibitions, programs and publications. |
Portsmouth Historical Society
Ways to help | Event CoordinatorsWe are looking for volunteers to assist with the planning and preparation of events, openings and symposiums at Discover Portsmouth. We have several parties and events already scheduled.Hands-On Project TeamHelp assist with facility and operations projects at Discover Portsmouth and the John Paul Jones house. To include: painting, yard work, minor repairs, light carpentry work and general upkeep. These positions are project based and very rewarding!Gallery DocentsGallery docents are a unique and important part of Discover Portsmouth helping to make each visitor’s experience to our visitor’s center and museum special. Docents proactively welcome visitors and provide information about Discover Portsmouth. These volunteers have an in depth knowledge of Discover Portsmouth’s current exhibit and are able to answer visitors’ questions.Visitor Information SpecialistThese volunteers play a vital role in welcoming our visitors and providing the necessary information to make each visitor’s experience enriching. You will need to have a deep familiarity with cultural Portsmouth including the arts, theaters, historic houses and local history. |
How you help | What makes us unique is YOU! Here at Discover Portsmouth our volunteers orient new visitors and locals alike to the city’s thriving visual and performing arts, it’s cultural highlights and historic house museums. |
About us | The Portsmouth Historical Society has had a significant and long lasting impact on the local and regional community over the course of the past 100 years. We are dedicated to increasing public understanding and enthusiasm for local history. Our trustees, staff, sponsors, and members believe strongly that the uniqueness of Portsmouth is defined by the city’s past. The Society has made it its ongoing goal to provide access to these high-quality exhibitions of nationally-important and locally-relevant art and artifacts for FREE to the public. |
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