Project Green Schools

3 Village Green N #311, Plymouth, Ma 02360, Usa
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Our missionDeveloping the next generation of environmental leaders through education, project-based learning and community service.

Project Green Schools

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How you helpInspiring the next generation of environmental leaders while engaging students at the intersection of STEM, energy, environment & public health, all comes full circle as sustainable solutions & skills are passed along for future generations.
About usNational Green Schools Society provides a structured chapter-based program for high-achieving, environmentally focused students to create extraordinary impact in schools, organizations, and communities while getting the recognition they deserve on a state and national level. The NGSS program develops bright, civic-minded, environmentally literate citizens. By establishing a NGSS chapter in your school, students in grades K through 12 will advance their passion for preserving the environment through environmental service projects, leadership, and activism.
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