YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts remains steadfast in our commitment to provide services to our residents and families in need. We have taken steps to practice social distancing such as operating our administrative offices remotely, but the fact remains that as a human service organization there are still clients in our community that need our support. Program staff are available by email and phone and are contacting our program participants to provide support and assess their ongoing needs.
The two YWCA programs that have experienced the greatest impact from this public health crisis are our YWkids School Age Program and our Residential Services Program, which houses sixteen women.
Even though our world seems to be filled with unknowns, as an organization we are rising to the challenge of adapting our programs and services to continue supporting women and families in our community.
If you are in a position to help YWCA Southeastern MA during the COVID-19 public health crisis, here are three ideas:
- Donate gift cards in $25 increments by mail to YWCA Southeastern MA, 20 South Sixth St., New Bedford, MA 02740
- Choose YWCA Southeastern MA when shopping on Amazon Smiles! Visit smile.amazon.com
- Choose COVID-19 Relief when making a donation on our website
While this global pandemic will likely change the trajectory of how we treat illness, our communities will recover, and we will emerge stronger and better prepared for future challenges. Thank you!