Townsend Public Library

12 Dudley Rd, Townsend, Ma 01469, Usa
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Our missionIt is the mission of the Townsend Public Library to provide the public with access to quality collections, technology, and programs for information, lifelong learning, literature and entertainment.

Townsend Public Library

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How you helpIf you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please ask for an application at the main desk.
About usThe Townsend Public Library serves as a community gateway where people can connect socially and intellectually. It provides people of all ages with equal access to quality collections, services, and programs for information, life long learning, literature and entertainment. The "new" Townsend Public Library, dedicated to Richard & Irene Collete, was offically dedicated and opened on October 31, 2009. The Library, Meeting Hall, and Senior Center were gifted to the town by the Sterilite Corporation.
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