Our mission | The mission of Vouchers for Veterans is to show recognition and gratitude to Veterans living in New Hampshire and Maine primarily by providing them with vouchers to purchase locally grown and prepared food directly from farmers and growers at local farmers markets. |
Vouchers for Veterans
How you help | We are volunteer driven. With the support of volunteers and donors, we expand to new farmers markets every year. With your help, we'll provide more Veterans with needed food and nutrition. |
About us | Vouchers for Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We feed Veterans in New Hampshire and Maine by providing them food vouchers that they redeem at local farmers markets. Veterans receive fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and baked goods from local producers at participating farmers markets. Vouchers for Veterans delivers nutrition and relief to Veterans and direct financial support to farmers and growers in the communities we serve. At farmers markets, we provide Veterans a safe place to talk with and heal with other Veterans who can uniquely understand them. These bonding times, especially among combat Veterans, help in their healing continuum. Through our partnerships with farmers markets across New Hampshire and Maine, we have given almost 5,000 nutritious meals to Veterans. |
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