COVID Update (June 1)
We appreciate all who have reached out to us to offer support and prayers these past couple of months. We share your concerns about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and our ability to continue to serve the most vulnerable among us. Based on changing guidelines provided by our governor and local health departments, we are regularly examining changes to our programs and services to best meet the needs of our clients while complying with the most recent recommendations and guidelines.
These practices are being monitored and reviewed daily by our administrative staff in case further changes are necessary. Ongoing updates will be shared via our website at and our social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, at @CSSMV.
- Hours of Operation: The Eckerle Administration Center at 922 W. Riverview Avenue in Dayton and the Northern Counties Administrative Office at 100 S. Main Avenue in Sidney are open M-F from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We are following sanitizing and social distancing protocols at these offices.The Center for Families at 1046 Brown Street is open Wednesdays and Thursdays, and appointments must be scheduled in advance. Erma’s House, supervised visitation and exchange services, has resumed in-person appointments. Staff will continue to offer respite, senior visiting, counseling, parenting, and refugee services via phone and video chat as well.
The Life Essentials office at 40 S. Perry Street remains closed to the public. Staff are providing guardianship services via phone and video chat. The program coordinator for the Life Essentials Chums program is individually connecting with participants, and group sessions will resume later in the year.
- Choice Food Pantry: The regular intake process and choice pantry model have been altered in order to limit person-to-person contact and maintain sanitized workspaces. Only five clients at a time may enter the building to pick up a box of groceries. Hours for pickup are 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., M-F. (We will still be closed on the first Friday of the month.) Volunteers are needed – see the contact information below. FoodSource deliveries in the Northern Counties are still being made monthly.
- In-person Counseling Services in Dayton and Sidney have resumed. Call for appointments.
- All school-based programming has been suspended until students return to school in the Fall. We arestaying in contact with families and providing services remotely as needed.
- Senior services based in Sidney, including PASSPORT, are continuing remotely through phone and video chat during normal 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. business hours. Parenting services based in Sidney are being conducted primarily through video chat.For financial and in-kind food donations, please contact Mike Lehner at (937) 223-7217 ext. 1142 or email [email protected]. You may also make financial gifts online at
For volunteer opportunities in the pantry, please contact Mike Hoendorf at (937) 223-7217 ext. 1141 or email [email protected].