Help Us Plan For The School Year
From our Superintendent:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Dover School District is engaged in the process of planning for the 2020-2021 school year. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District is confronted with a different planning scenario versus the typical summer planning and coordination. The “new normal” has resulted in a different and challenging way of thinking and planning. In order to allow for ample planning time, the District has been involved in the planning process since late April, with planning ongoing. The District is interested in your observations and feedback on the spring emergency remote learning as well as your insights pertaining to the planning for the new school year. Your input is needed.
Guidance from the state is projected to be made available in mid-July. The adult focus groups have concluded, and the report is being prepared by New Hampshire Listens that will be made available to the District the week of July 6. Currently, the Greater School Partnership is facilitating student focus groups. The report from the student focus groups is projected for mid-July. Your participation in the survey will add another dimension to the information that the Board and Leadership Team will have available as the planning continues for the 2020-2021 school year.
The window for the survey is open and will close at the conclusion of the business day on Friday, July 10. This will allow the time needed to generate the survey findings. The information from the three sources will be a valuable asset to the District by providing additional insight and guidance for the development of a successful plan.
I encourage your participation in the survey as the District continues to plan and prepare for the 2020-2021 school year.
The link to the survey is:
William R. Harbron, Ed.D.
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