Volunteering during Covid
Volunteers are essential to Our Neighbors’ Table’s efforts to create a food secure region. ONT could not function without our volunteer team!
Volunteering at ONT looks a little different during the current health crisis. Due to COVID-19, O NT has adjusted our volunteer shifts to have the least amount of individuals possible in the building to comply with public health guidelines. We are also using consistent volunteer teams each week to minimize the risk of exposure.We do not have any immediate openings for recurring, weekly volunteer shifts, but we are recruiting for new volunteers to fill in for current volunteers on occasion or to replace volunteer teams should anyone become infected by the virus. If you are interested in helping, please fill out the volunteer application. After filling out the application, you will be contacted to attend a Virtual Volunteer Orientation that takes place via Zoom. Please note that at this time due to COVID-19, we have had to limit volunteer opportunities to those age 16 and above. If you have any questions about the volunteer process or our current COVID-19 response, please email Melanie.ONT Health & Safety Protocols for Volunteers
ONT is complying with the latest public health guidelines to ensure the safety of volunteers and guests. Our programs allow our volunteers to maintain the recommended 6-foot distance, all volunteers and staff are required to wear masks, and handwashing and sanitizing stations are readily available for everyone in the building. We ask that all active volunteers continue to follow public health guidelines when they are not at ONT for the safety of each other and our guests. |
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