Volunteers create simple how-to videos for learners to follow when using applications and websites for the first time.
Volunteers create step-by-step guides for learners to follow when using applications and websites for the first time.
Volunteers translate existing TGH learning resources into high-priority languages such as Spanish, Haitian Creole, Chinese, Portuguese, and Arabic.
Volunteers lead a live educational webinar to teach a digital skill to learners. Webinars are an hour of lecture-style instruction followed by a Q&A session for 10-30 mins.
Our Program for Refugee Learners (PRL) is an online class for newly resettled refugees who speak English at a beginner level, and who also need additional literacy support as an introduction to the American alphabet. Volunteers co-teach an online class once per week for 12 weeks, using a proven curriculum.
We welcome volunteers & Interns from all backgrounds. We especially encourage – DEAF, Inc. believes BIPOC, LGBTQ, immigrants, women, veterans, persons with disabilities, and persons with various cultural backgrounds are strongly encouraged to join us. To support Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened individuals to achieve their goals. Building bridges across communities by…
Through our Career Readiness program, we prepare youths with the skills to succeed in their professional lives by addressing the barriers to employment for youth and young adults with disabilities. We enrich our curriculum with real-world experiences, featuring our volunteers – possibly you! We are looking for individuals willing to host guest lectures, a job…
Hygiene Insecurity is a Massive Unmet Need in MA and beyond. Hope and Comfort is the largest organization in New England solely focused on this need and as such we need compassionate and talented individuals who are willing to share their time, talent and willingness to THINK BIG to develop solutions that work at the…
The Gig Manager’s role is to ensure all needed equipment is on-site for all in-person events. They are also responsible for coordinating volunteer staff and documentation (photo/video) of in-person events and the distribution of attained media to the Social Media Coordinator.* Coordinate photography/videography at gigs and events* Coordinate transport and set up equipment for gigs…
Help low-income individuals and families prepare their income taxes for free.