Club Closure
While our facility will be closed to visitors, we remain committed to delivering services to local youth and address the expanding needs brought about by the COVID-19 emergency. Since Monday, the Club has served almost 1,200 lunches and dinners to kids and teens across Waltham who otherwise would have gone without a healthy meal. Our youth are currently at their most vulnerable. Without access to their regular resources and the caring staff that they rely on, they risk facing significant mental health issues and the academic success gap will exponentially grow. Our staff are working hard on ways to engage youth in virtual programming and making plans to vamp up efforts once we are able to reopen. In times of uncertainty such as this, we see our community emerge. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for those who have asked “How can I help?” in the midst of this crisis. The best way you can help Waltham youth right now is by making a financial contribution. Your support allows us to respond to emergency needs and, once we can reopen safely, to be prepared to fight the learning loss and provide a safe place for youth while parents work to recover financially and make ends meet. This community always rises to every challenge and this is no exception. Thank you for fighting hunger and fueling hope.