Summer class update: Virtual and in-person availability. Plus, check out new dance classes and a new fashion design class with Cathy Howe, a former fashion illustrator. HCA summer classes are kept small to ensure social distancing, plus we are following all guidelines from the board of health. View updates here:–HCA-Summer-Program-Availability-.html?soid=1101934362334&aid=dIh_n97vX-A
An update on our COVID-19 support for the village of Pomerini. We purchased sugar and rice and also water buckets and soap (to facilitate handwashing) for the elders most in need in the village. We have sent money to Neema Crafts to have masks made so they can be distributed.
The children of Pomerini Secondary School are returning to school. Originally only the seniors had reported back but now the rest of the students are also returning.
We appreciate all who have reached out to us to offer support and prayers these past couple of months. We share your concerns about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and our ability to continue to serve the most vulnerable among us. Based on changing guidelines provided by our governor and local health departments, we…
All Buzzards Bay Coalition reserves are open to the public. The trails and open spaces on our properties serve as important outlets for relaxation, refreshment, and exercise. In fact, these reserves may be more needed than ever during this particularly stressful time. You can find information about these places and many others managed by partner…
SERVICE RESUMPTION UPDATE – Effective Monday, June 1, COAST will resume service on Route 41cc, and transition Route 40 and 41 from the current Saturday schedule to a new reduced weekday schedule. The decision to resume more services on June 1 is consistent with the CDC’s latest decision matrix for public transit operators when considering…
An important update from Lawrence J. Yerdon, President & CEO. To read the full message, visit: It is still early in the COVID-19 crisis and we cannot yet tell how lives and businesses will be affected as the economy takes the hit from the necessary Stay At Home orders. But we wanted to let…
From our Superintendent: Dear Parent/Guardian, The Dover School District is engaged in the process of planning for the 2020-2021 school year. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District is confronted with a different planning scenario versus the typical summer planning and coordination. The “new normal” has resulted in a different and challenging way…
YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts remains steadfast in our commitment to provide services to our residents and families in need. We have taken steps to practice social distancing such as operating our administrative offices remotely, but the fact remains that as a human service organization there are still clients in our community that need our support. Program…
For our final virtual choir of the 2020 season, BCC has partnered with 5 time GRAMMY award-winning artist Keb’ Mo’ (, to produce Let Your Light Shine, arranged by Jeremy Fox. The song is a timely reminder that despite the challenges that the world throws at us, we all have the ability to make the world a better…