HAWC is open and here for you. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, HAWC’s community-based services will be available via phone during regular business hours (Monday – Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM) and by calling our 24-hour hotline at 1-800-547-1649 after hours. Our physical community-based offices are closed to the public. Our 24-hour hotline and Emergency…
An update on our COVID-19 support for the village of Pomerini. We purchased sugar and rice and also water buckets and soap (to facilitate handwashing) for the elders most in need in the village. We have sent money to Neema Crafts to have masks made so they can be distributed.
The government recommended that the Pomerini Secondary school renovate the boy’s dorm to improve ventilation due to COVID19. The Africa Exchange Project contributed to the renovation fund to help make this happen.
Nearly 1 million people in the U.S. live with this multiple sclerosis. They’re counting on your support for research to help fund life-changing discoveries. Help propel research forward, no matter what. • The Society will continue to fund researchers so they can achieve their critical project milestones. • The newly launched COViMS registry will provide…
The Evictions and Foreclosures Moratorium in Massachusetts is extended until October 17, 2020. For more details, please visit www.mwlegal.org/covid-19
We appreciate all who have reached out to us to offer support and prayers these past couple of months. We share your concerns about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and our ability to continue to serve the most vulnerable among us. Based on changing guidelines provided by our governor and local health departments, we…
An important update from Lawrence J. Yerdon, President & CEO. To read the full message, visit: http://mailchi.mp/36f8c91d3a53/special_update_larry_yerdon_482020 It is still early in the COVID-19 crisis and we cannot yet tell how lives and businesses will be affected as the economy takes the hit from the necessary Stay At Home orders. But we wanted to let…
As the world, the United States, the Boston area, the state of Maine, and our beloved camp on Lake Thompson in West Poland adjust to the coronavirus pandemic, we are thinking carefully about the implications of the virus for this summer’s programming. Currently, all of our 2020 summer camp programs are still on! We will…
While our facility will be closed to visitors, we remain committed to delivering services to local youth and address the expanding needs brought about by the COVID-19 emergency. Since Monday, the Club has served almost 1,200 lunches and dinners to kids and teens across Waltham who otherwise would have gone without a healthy meal. Our…